宁波卡伦特电器有限公司电机部的前身隶属宁波协诚电动工具有限公司,从事电机生产制造已有20年历史。自2005年公司成立协诚集团,电机部划入宁波卡伦特电器有限公司。总公司面积21万平方米,建筑面积55000平方米。员工人数1600余人。其中宁波卡伦特电器有限公司占建筑面积11000平方,员工600余人,工程部人员55人,其中电机开发人员10人,技术人员15余人,整机质管人员30人。 公司集产品设计、开发、生产、 销售于一体,现拥有国内先进的从电机转定子生产到整机成品出厂的一整套生产、检测设备。10条全自动电机生产流水线、4台日本YAMADA高速冲床、二工位及六工位DSK转子自动平衡机等进口设备,达到年生产电机500万套的能力。 公司遵循严格的质量管理体系,并通过了UL、GS、CE、CCC等国际品质认证和ISO90...
Ningbo Colet Electrical Appliance Co.,Ltd was found in the year of 2005 & located in Ningbo of China. Colet belongs to Ningbo Xiecheng Group, which occupies 210,000 square meters & 55,000 square meters of floor space. The group has 1600 workers & 200 belongs to Ningbo Colet. The engineering group of Colet is formed by 30 people. To ensure the quality of the coffee machine, Colet has employed an Italian expert on Coffee Machine as the Director of Production & Engineering. With years developing, the product range has covered Automatic & Semi-automatic coffee machine, commerical Coffee maker, milk frother,Dripped Coffee pot, hand grinding machine around 30 models. The products of Colet have been approvaled by UL, GS, EMC, CE & ISO9001:2000.